Whether you are a prospective college student on the verge of making your final acceptance decision or a high school senior deciding where to apply, consider taking a guided tour of your potential college campus first. A college tour is the perfect opportunity to ask the most pressing questions about your future college experience and to learn firsthand what it’s like to be in a collegiate environment. Asking the right questions during a campus visit might be challenging if you’re not sure where to start. Yes, you might want to know where the library is since you’ll be spending many long nights there, but also consider asking questions about your future life as a student. Where do new students live? Will you need to bring a bike to campus? Make the most of your college tour by posing these questions to your tour guides—usually students themselves—and learn from their wealth of knowledge and experiences. To help you decide which campus is worthy of your tuition dollars, NerdScholar asked college admissions
officers to shed light on which questions prospective students should ask both before and during a campus visit. Ultimately, a campus tour—one that engages you and piques your interests—will give you a better sense of whether the college is the right fit for you. 1. When is the best time to attend a campus tour? Attending a campus tour any time of year is helpful, but prospective students should consider scheduling one when it will give them the most insight into their biggest questions. For example, students who have not yet applied can take a tour during the summer before they apply for colleges, while others may find it helpful to attend one after they’ve been accepted. But no matter what your agenda is, the best time to take a campus tour is when most students are active on campus. Don Delaney, director of program outreach and education at Camden County College, says [prospective] students should try to schedule a tour while classes are in session to gain a better ‘feel’ for the college and its atmosphere. READ MORE...http://www.nerdwallet.com
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